Thursday, November 20, 2008

Please take a memo...

My brother noticed that this blog is lagging far behind. He is right. Actually, I have had an old reel to reel tape recorder here on my desk for months as a reminder that I need to update the blog. So I have a few minutes and I will go ahead and update.

The technology of dictation began shortly after the wire recorder was invented. We have talked about that ancient form of recording voice onto a spool of wire. And somewhere along the way Dictaphone developed a sleeve recorder that was very popular in the office. Maybe I can get my hands on one of those some day and demonstrate how it was used.

But today we will take a look at the progress that has been made in dictation. Here is a photo of the Olympus America DS-71 digital voice recorder. It retails for around $500. The device uses flash memory to store around 1000 hours - yes, hours, of recordings.
Now let's look at how far we have come from the 60s. Here is a General Electric Reel to Reel Portable deck. You will hear a local NC pastor dictating a promo piece for an upcoming campaign where Vance Havner is the evangelist. I found this recorder several years ago in a flea market. The tape was included.