In 1998 the Franklin Rolodex REX companion was created. It was a credit card sized LCD screen device that would hold 750 contacts and related information. It was actually a PC card that plugged directly into a PC card slot on a laptop ( or PC card slot on a desktop computer). The software that was included would allow you to sync the contact information with a database on your computer.
I used this device for a few weeks, but grew tired of its lack of input capability. In my line of work, I needed both access to a large list of contacts, and the ability to update and input new contact information on the fly. It was a cool idea, and would still work today if i would spring for the $4 worth of button cells that it needs to fire up.
Well it has been ten years. And I just stumbled on this in my desk. Lets you know how long it has been since my middle desk drawer has been cleaned out.
One of these days, I will write about all the other handheld/PDA devices I have had over the past decade. Lost count at 12...
Who knows what you might find in the other drawers????? HA!
HA! Actually, upstairs in Jesse's room I found my next subject for old technology. An HP mini-notebook. Remember you had an IBM version?
Call me when you find some extra cash laying around.
If only that old technology was worth something. I have a bunch of stuff stashed away - needs to go to the dump.
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