Monday, October 21, 2013

Old TVs playing like new!

This is actually a follow-up from an earlier post about the old TV's in my collection.  I was finally able to repair both of these Philco sets.  Here are a couple of videos of them in action.    The first set is the rare 1958 Philco Predicta. I was able to locate a picture tube in Washington State.  What an ordeal getting that thing shipped via Greyhound bus!  As far as I know I have one of the last picture tubes available for this set.

This next video is a clip playing on a 1948 Philco round tube set.  Both play beautifully.  You may notice the copy protection bars on the episode of the Honeymooners they fade in and out. The older B&W sets were not able to filter out these new schemes.  I found a copy protection filter to clear that up.  So what do you think?

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